Custom -no name is mentioned. I model 6 different style of bikinis, from micro bikini, to string bikini, slingshot and normal size bikini. Before getting into the bathtub and starting the custom roleplay. "Let me know what you think! Thanks! Hey babe, are you ready for our trip? I’m so excited. I can’t wait to get away with you. I bought a couple of new bikinis that I’m trying on and I think are perfect, like this one. I hope you like it. Does it show enough boobs for you? Hehehe. We’re gonna have so much fun. I can’t wait. I’m still nervous about the boat trip though. Because, you know I’m afraid of boats. I mean, what if it sinks? Look, I know you’re really looking forward to going out on a boat together, but you know I can’t swim and I panic in water. The pool and beach are different. Well, I never told you this, but I had a scary experience on a boat once. I know, I don’t really like to talk about it, but okay, I went on a boat trip with some girl friends of mine. We were really far out when all of a sudden, the boat started rocking a lot and it felt like we were going to tip. It was really strange. We couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but every time a wave came, the boat would rock so much and it really started getting scary because we thought we were going to tip over. One of the girls then saw that there was water in our boat and it was like on my God, we sprang a leak and were sinking. It was so scary, babe, the water was getting higher and we tried bailing, but it was coming in too fast. Some of the other girls couldn't swim either, so everyone started panic and the boat was getting lower in the water and felt like it was really going to tip over the next time a wave hit the boat. Everyone screamed for help, but we were so far out that no one was around to save us from our sinking boat and we were sinking fast. We put on life jackets and everything, then inflated the life raft and it was like “abandon ship!” Oh my God I was so scared. I was the last one off just as the water rose over the sides and sank the boat from under us. While we were in the raft, one of the girls noticed a hissing sound and the raft was getting soft and it felt like the boat was suddenly losing air. Then we realized that the raft had a hole in it! it was like, great, first our boat sank and now our raft was leaking and we were sinking again. We were losing air so fast and the raft sides caved in on us. Soon the raft was full of water and before we knew it, the raft sank and we were all in the water. Luckily, a boat came and rescued us, but it was still so scary. Wait, are you hard right now? does me talking about being in a sinking boat really turn you on? Oh so that’s why you want to go for a ride in a boat so badly. You were going to sink us weren’t you? Babe, you know I can’t swim! What were you going to do, sink our boat and rescue you me? You better save me if our boat sinks. Sinking boats really make you that horny? I wish i had known this sooner. Hmmm. I have an idea. I’m gonna see how much I can drive you crazy by talking about sinking boats. I want to see how fast I can make you cum while talking on us being in a sinking boat together. Since you like sinking boats so much, maybe when we take that boat out, I will pull the plug just to see what happens. I wonder how quickly the boat will fill up with water. I bet it’s gonna make the boat sink so fast. I’m gonna be scared and I might start to panic. You know I can’t swim and these boobs will only make me float for so long. But I know the thought of the two of us on a sinking boat will drive you crazy. I’m gonna be so scared. We are gonna be so far out and the boat is gonna be sinking fast. There won't be anyone around for miles to rescue us from our sinking boat. Well, I guess the only thing left to do is to get naked and start doing it. You’re dick is gonna be so hard seeing me and my big tits in this bikini and then the boat is gonna sink and it’s gonna be even harder. If the boat is going to sink, \ we might as well have some fun. The water is gonna start getting higher and I’m gonna straddle you in the boat with the water already up to our waists. There won't much time before we went down with the boat, so I’m gonna have to ride you as fast as I can. The water will up to our chests and while I’m riding you, I’m gonna start yelling “We’re sinking! We’re sinking!” That’s gonna make your dick so hard hearing me scream that we’re sinking, isn’t it? I can feel it already deep inside me. “We’re sinking baby. You have to save me. I can’t swim. Please save me. We’re sinking! We’re going down!” I just know this sinking boat will make us both so horny. Oh no. It’s getting close now. We’re sinking fast! Someone save us! I can’t swim! The boat is almost sunk and we’re trying to keep our heads above water and stay afloat. Before we know it, the boat will be sunk and I want to feel you cum so hard as the boat sinks and takes
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