My only dream, my biggest wish is about you, boss. I adore you, I love being by your side in the office but it is not enough for me. I need something more. Please, you know I would do anything to lick your cum, that would be amazing. I don´t care if it is directly from your cock or from a condom you used to fuck another woman. I don´t mind, honey. I just want to try its flavour in my mouth and then swallow it. That would make me so happy. I am willing to sign a slavery contract with you and accept the most degrading and humiliating tasks you ask me to do. Here or outdoors. See, I have written down all the things I would do; you could hump and pound my pussy and my ass whenever you wish, and of course my tits and nipples are fully yours to toorture them, twist them, pierce them with pliers, clothespins or whatever. I won´t complain. I will tell you many other extreme, bruttal and barbaric abusses I would suffer from you. But please, let me driink your load. I will kneel down on the floor, I will lick it after your steps, I will let you destroy my person. I beg you, I cry for your cum. I will be the secretary and the woman you expect from me. I am humbly requesting you this favor. Please, listen to me, look at me, give me your load.. I am getting wet just imagining your cum in my lips... Oh My God! YOU WILL LIKE IT IF: you feel all powerful and that makes you so horny. HIGHLIGHTED: don´t miss Angie crawling and groveling to you as a real desperate girl. INDULGE YOURSELF, BUY ME NOW
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