My friend Jessika got a request to do some bicep curls. She came to my place but I have no dumbells (I guess that makes ME the dumbell. lol. Sorry I'll stop). So I remember I saw this video on YouTube where these huge muscular men in prison would stay strong by putting books in a bag and then curling the bag. So of course, being the book worm that I am, I have heavy books. So I put some in some plastic bags. They were heavy. I asked her if she could curl them for three-minutes. Annnnnd...that is where the video starts. Jessika curling the bags filled with books. Can she do it for three-minutes. PSHHH! Please! She could do them all day. How easily she curls them. One arm and then the other arm. Okay I'll shut up. Enjoy as Jessika bicep curls two heavy book bags
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