Something extremely important is nearly here, I hope you’re counting down to it. Can you guess what it is? My birthday. Not just any birthday, My 30th. And you are going to make My birthday special, make it one of the best birthdays. You’ll do that for Me, won’t you, pet? You’ll make it a special day for Me? The thing is, I have so much planned for you in the next few months that I don’t want you forgetting. I want you saving for it so you can spoil Me. How are you going to spoil Me? I’m not giving you a list of things I want this year, that’s too much for your brain, isn’t it? Instead, I desire tributes. That way, you will have no excuse for missing it. After all, a Goddess requires regular tributes, and it’s My birthday, so you have no excuse for missing it. November 15th. Save it to your calendar now. Make it a recurring event. I want this date entrenched in your brain. Counting down to it, saving for it. So that this year, and every year from now on, so you can spoil Me rotten.
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