This is a custom clip and I can make one for you too! Just email me at emmasecretmln@yahoo.com or send me a PM) Background story You're a doctor or nurse looking for a family life. While very attractive, the search for a faithful boyfriend which also would allow to have a powerful woman take control in bed. This wears on your confidence and have made you utilize work to look for a good match. You've selected a group of your patients and targeted them for a campaign on prostate exams. Being quite intelligent, and a tad desperate for successful match you would most likely have stalked your patients both digitally and in real life to ensure a good make sure we'd been a good match so I wouldn't be a complete stranger, in addition to previous consultations. Scene 1: Prostate Exam I'm one of your patients who you make house call for a prostate exam Confirm that I drank water throughout the day as instructed (hidden agenda, higher sperm production). Do the doctor routine of requesting me to pull down pants, feel the softness of the balls, apply lube on gloves, bend over, relax you might feel a little pressure As your fingers hit the prostate there is an reaction in my penis which you notice. This excites you for a second, but you try to remain professional as you milk it curiously a little bit more until a unusual quick erection.You inform me some additional tests and a sperm sample will be required. After you collect sample go through notes you have in my file. Any changes? Still the same unmarried, no emergency contacts, works from home. Hand me a bottle of water while I go test the sperm. Scene 2 I wake up (leave some seconds black screen) as you're restraining the last arm. You notice I'm conscious and apologies for the water but you had to move me after dark. If possible to make look good on camera I would also like you to restraint ankles and thighs together.Reveal your strap-on and do the lords work. When done, plug my ass with a butt plug (big one if you have) and remove thigh restraints if applied.Tease and say I can't cum yet, a bigger load is needed. End scene with hand job edging.Scene 3: It's time for a release and you climb on top of me. I ask for a condom, and you let me know what's going on, before inserting the penis. Please use sensual thigh movements for a slow buildup (edging) until I explode inside you. If you want you can add some harder grind post cum (painful) to make sure every drop is inside. Tell him you have to go back to work but you will return for lunch
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