Bambi seems fascinated with my bras, even though they’re clearly way too big for her. She keeps sneaking into my lingerie and pulling them out, trying to fit them over her cute, little tits. Of course I can think of things much more appropriate for a little adultbaby girl to be wearing, like a thick Bambino diaper—and not much else. But does sweet, petite Bambi really want to have big Mommy breasts or is she just desperate to nurse? I settle her down for a bottle, but she keeps pawing at my cleavage. I agree to let her nurse, but it doesn’t stay sweet and innocent for long. I just can’t keep from rubbing a vibrator against the front of her diaper. She looks so cute doing what horny little ABDL girls do best: cumming like a little diaper slut while humping a vibrator and sucking at Mommy’s tits
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