As a Goddess, even my bodily waste is a treasure for some. Today I get to donate the spoils from my ears and nose. ----------- It's time for Sydney to do some ear, nose and throat hygiene. Not having a trash can handy, she brings in one of her subs to take care of that. The first thing on her list is her nose. There are some big boogers stuck in her nose. Using her fingers, she picks a few out and stuffs them in the sub's mouth. After that it's time to grab some q-tips and work the inner ears. So much gunk in there. She digs in with the q-tips and deposits the gunk in the sub's mouth. Sydney then uses the q-tips to clean out the inside of her nose which makes her sneeze. And instead of covering her mouth, she sneezes all over her sub. And all the snot that comes after her sneezes will also be going in the sub's mouth. Even though he gags from time to time, Sydney makes him swallow all of her snot. Some subs are way better than tissues and trash cans
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