Breast expansion hand express milk HD

nov 26, 2017Stream and Download822.00 B11m17s FHD

Breast expansion have to hand express all the milk - HD 1080p 60fps Video – Sally has gone and let herself just get too full. Her breasts have expanded too much and she just needs to get the milk out!! The video opens with Sally in a very tight black t shirt, her nipples straining against the fabric. She’s trying to tell you just how full she is, how desperately she needs to empty herself. It’ becomes too much and Sally begins to rip open her shirt exposing her giant creamy breasts. Frantically she begins hand expressing shooting multiple glorious arching sprays from her giant erect nipples. The back lighting and black backdrop showcasing each spray. Sally then begins sucking, trying desperately to empty them, releasing mouthful after mouthful of sweet milk over her nipples and breasts. She continues to switch between sucking and spraying trying to empty her huge swollen breasts. Sadly Sally isn’t able to fully empty her breasts but it sure is great to watch her try. ------Key words: cleavage dripping milk front view milk moaning self suck side view solo spraying milk squirting milk

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