It's the due date for your mom to pay back her loan to you, but she's unable to. Your contract specifically stated she'd become your submissive slut for the night if she couldn't follow through. Mom is wearing lingerie, but still asks you to not go through with it. You hand her a collar and she immediately obeys. She begins to degrade herself while sucking your cock. Mom then puts on the high heels you requested and lets you fuck her missionary. After that, she rides you from behind until you cum inside her. VIDEO TAGS: MIA JOCELYN , TABOO , KINK , BIG TITS , BIG BOOBS , NATURAL TITS , BIG ASS , LATINA , MILF , BLACK HAIR , AMATEUR PORN , DIRTY TALK , RELUCTANT , SUBMISSIVE SLUT , COLLAR , BLOW JOB , CREAMPIE , HIGH HEELS ,
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