Do you really want to find out why I avoid turning on the webcam since you left for work, months ago? Well, this is the truth: I miss you so much that I have started to find comfort in junk food. The result is this, I am a giant fat pig. I am ashamed of myself, forgive me... I must also tell you that this new habit of mine has made me empty our bank account. I beg your pardon? Do you really like my new body? Don't you hate it? And will you work even harder to maintain this new habit of mine?! Are you sure, darling?! But that will mean that you will be away from home a lot longer... and I will be very sad... and very hungry... I'll tell you what: from now on you'll be the one ordering my take-out food. I won't know anything: neither the type of restaurant, nor what's in the bag, nor if and when they will deliver anything. It will be a constant surprise, and you will decide how much and when I will stuff myself. How does that sound, honey?
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