Time for a feet massacre again! My feet look so sweet and delicate, but don´t trust them, they are terrible, merciless and big enough to crush anything without putting so much effort. You will check now how they can convert some varied fruits which are wrapped in aluminium foil into flat silver coins just letting their weight fall on them. I won´t grind them, I won´t twist or mess them, but just step on them with my elegant high heels sandals. I am wearing my shining sheer pantyhose to make my feet more appealing. To start with, I will step on a pair of cherry tomatoes, one after another one, with only my soles, sticking my heels on the floor. They won´t be tomatoes anymore in just a few secs. Then I will squat on my sandals and keep my full weight against the poor tomatos. Don´t let my naughty smile lie to you: it hides my malevolent hobby, which is crushing all kind of food. I love feeling how they burst under my shoes, they have nothing to do against my powerful feet. The "pop" sound inside of the foil and then the mess which bursts from it is what I really enjoy, will you join my messy salad? Apart from these cherry tomatoes, I will also crush some tangerine slots groups and four grape grains. The foils sometimes get stuck in my soles after being crushed, you can see how they soak the soles and drip from them. Finally I will show you my silver coins collection. YOU WILL LIKE IT IF: the power of a woman is shown by her feet energy. HIGHLIGHTED: my shining feet look like an evil princess´. INDULGE YOURSELF, BUY ME NOW
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