Wonder Sandra has been investigating the thefts of Christmas presents allover the city. Operating on a tip, she stumbles upon the crime in progress! She orders the sexy siren to cease and is shocked when she finds out who it is stealing all the gifts... it's Sterling Star, Wonder Sandra's former protege! And Sterling Star has a Surprise waiting. She opens a standard-looking gift box to reveal a pile of uninteresting rope. Wonder Sandra is unimpressed. But then the rope jumps out of the box at Wonder Sandra! Amid Sterling Star's cackles of laughter, the ropes coil around and entangle Wonder Sandra! Once Wonder Sandra is totally trussed up, Sterling star reveals a huge 3" ballgag and silences her former mentor! After being robbed of her uniform, Wonder Sandra is wrapped in ribbon, stuffed into a trunk and prepared to be shipped off to Sterling Star's lair! Get this and all of my other videos at SandraSilvers.com
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