Luna Lain enters the bathroom and starts the water. She brushes her hair while it warms up and checks to see if it is ready. Her cute gray dress is pulled off and she takes off her jewelry. The steam envelopes her body as the natural light from the window makes a halo around her pretty face. The water drips down her body and her wet hair sensuously cascades down her back. Shampoo is worked through that long hair and bubbles make a crown. A dollop of conditioner is spread through her hair making everything nice and smooth. A thick lather of bubbly bar soap caresses her body as Luna makes sure to rub it in every crevice of her curvy body. Nothing is left out. She gives a coy smile before closing the curtain. The rest is up to your imagination! OTHER KEYWORDS- hair shampooing, all natural, candid, Luna Laine, Luna Lane
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