BRITTANY IS VERY EFFICIENT AT REMOVING SPERM!! SHE SHOWS HER CUNT...HER ASS...HER TITS... THEN SHE SHUTS THE BOY UP AND BEATS HIM OFF QUICKLY AND EFFICIENTLY!!! Brittany takes Her duties at The Jerky Girls Massage Parlor seriously!! Get 'em in.....get 'em off....get 'em out!!! It's all about volume!!! Brittany likes to Beat-Off as many as She can during a shift. She has learned some secrets over the years. One......flip them over right away and go for the cock...don't waste time with back rubs! Two...don't wear pants!! Boys like to see Brittany's cunt and ass! Three....She lifts up Her shirt while yanking on their cocks...boys are simple creatures...and they like to see boobs! Four....shut them the fuck up!!! This stupid boy was going on and on about how Hot Brittany is...how amazing her ass is....how spectacular Her Tits are...blah blah blah......so Brittany smothers his mouth and violently pulls sperm out of him. Next
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