Slow your roll.” With my finger on Jamie’s prostate, Sexy Naughty Santa almost did cum early. So, it was quite the challenge to delve too… er… deeply into anal play because I was truly brandishing a trigger finger on Jamie’s “magic button.” And there’s this other thing (that you’ll hear us discuss at the end), wherein, Jamie is comfortable with penetration — when he initiates it. It’s that whole control-issue thing. As Jamie pointed out, the vast majority of us are always in control of nearly every aspect in our lives, and I followed up that within the confines of filming, it’s an opportunity for “control freaks” to relinquish & hand some of that control over to me for the purpose of providing the guys an authentic sexperience in a safe & respectful environment. I believe that I can bring Jamie to that place; it’s going to take a little more coaching, his willingness to relinquish that control, & time. Because inherently, Jamie’s prostate is the proverbial key to his ultimate sexual pleasure (as you’ll again see during orgasm & ejaculation). Enjoy! CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ
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