I always come early to dance practice so that I can at least get practice alone before everyone else comes. I'm really energized because I had a big lunch and I drank lots of water. I dance for a little bit so that I can warm up my body for the day when I get the urge to pee. Looking around the place, I find that none of the bathrooms are open. So I have no other choice but to pee on the floor. I squat down on the floor, lean back, and I go on point in my point shoes. Then I released the floodgates and I just peed like a mothafucker. My pee has such a high arch kind of like the high arches of my feet. Feeling the pee rush out of me and tickle my clit feels good in a naughty way. After I'm done peeing, I went to go find a mop because I left a huge mess on the dance floor. I don't want my fellow dancers slipping and falling on a wet dance floor. Then that would be called dirty dancing.
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