Therapy XXXposure Therapy: Jet Setting Jasmine Client: Angelina Castro Hispanic Female, Alert and Oriented x 3, Verbal and Engaged, Appropriately Dressed/Groomed., No visible signs of distress noted. Ms.Castro statement of problem "I keep having these fantasies and I feel bad about them". Per client these concerning fantasies of being dominated by a couple have been intrusive for the past 2-3 weeks and she is unable to focus on other activities. It appeared to this clinician that Ms. Castro would benefit from a brief guided imagery session. Client was able to quickly relax using circular breathing and calming prompts to explore fantasies. Client was encouraged to visualize being led into a room by a captivating female dominatrix and shortly joined by a male dominant. This therapist introduced the imagery of the two spanking and flogging client on her shoulders, ass and thighs. Therapist continued to walk client into fantasy scene where dominatrix removes male dominants pants to reveal a large dick to clients pleasure. Client begins to please the male dominant by licking and sucking his hard throbbing cock with no inhibitions, all while being spanked and flogged and by the alluring female dominant. The introduction of hot wax dripped across her breasts made client show signs of excitement evidence through increased breathing pattern and pursing of lips. Before ending and bringing Ms. Castro out of her her imagery session, she is asked to imagine the duo introducing a vibrating toy to her genitals. Ms. Castro's response to imagining an orgasm caused her to shift in her chair. She was guided back to reality and appeared physically and mentally relieved to fully engage in the imagery. Plan: Ms. Castro will return in one week to discuss techniques to reduce feelings of guilt surrounding sexual fantasies. Will provide client with resources to engage in safe BDSM play, as it is apparent that she benefits. Next week's session to include Kink Coaching treatment plan and brief guided imagery led by client
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