You always wonder why you love my stinkiest farts, but you can´t find an answer. A reasonable answer, at least. You only know they make your day and they make you happy. Every time I spread my ass towards your face and I rip my breaking winds like an innocent girl you know it will be a special moment and a wonderful experience for your fussy nostrils. This new valuable Smelly Fart Compilation is your daily disgusting portion for your fetish moments. You can´t miss this exciting collection of my smelliest farts, a real fetid bomb full of selected essence touches. My nausea face and my wrinkled nose will show you this is not a joke. Eat my worst flatulences, they are your delicious feast today. They are warm, with no artificial added colourings nor preservers. When at home, I feel them knock the door anytime, any place, and I just release them in my leggings, my pants or my pijama. Just for your pleasure. Smell my ass, shut up and test your resistance to a garbage stench. You won´t know if it is your pleasure or your nightmare, that is its charm. Will you be ready for this? YOU WILL LIKE IT IF: you are able to breathe in my farts through the screen. HIGHLIGHTED: my genuine spontaneity. INDULGE YOURSELF, BUY ME NOW
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