Available as stream only on MV. Pay full price on other sites to be able to download Clip is 6 1/2 Minutes long. No nudity. CLIP INCLUDES: -REDHEAD -POV -TRANSFORMATION FETISH -TRANSFORMATION FANTASY -BITCHY SISTER TURNS INTO PIG -POV'S SISTER MAKES FUN OF HOW MUCH SHE EATS AND EVEN LEFT A NOTE TO HER AT SCHOOL THAT SAID "PIG" SO SHE DECIDES TO SPIKE HER COFFEE WITH A POTION THAT WILL TURN HER INTO A REAL PIG -PIG TRANSFORMATION -BODY INFLATION -BLOATED -GIRL IN DISTRESS -OINKING/SNORTING -BURPING (one burp) -VERBAL HUMILIATION Your big sis has been a major BITCH lately....You found a note at school that said "PIG" and you know its your sister after the way shes been talking to you. You spike her coffee with a magic potion....You bring it to her and she starts AGAIN on how you need to stop EATING so much that you will turn into a PIG....and you'll never land a guy like her boyfriend....Pft....She remarks on the coffee tasting a little weird while shes TALKING DOWN TO YOU and EMBARASSING you but she still it all...She tries to tell you that she didnt leave you that mean note...again PFT....She tells you to go away because she has to get ready for her date with her boyfriend. Shes talking to herself frantically saying shes only got thirty minutes or so to get ready for her date...she burps...weird...thats not like her. She puts on more makeup and thinks out loud about what shes going to wear...She talks to herself about how she shouldnt have even bothered talking to her sister, Its going to make her late and her little sister is just a pathetic bitch anyways. Out of nowhere she SNORTS....Shes weirded out and confused and snorts again and thinks maybe its allergies? Either way she continues to get ready... She SNORTS again and starts to get really frustrated and weirded out...The camera then pans to her stomach...She says shes starting to feel BLOATED...and her STOMACH gets BIGGER right before her eyes (I push my stomach out)..."What the hell is happening?! My STOMACH just got HUGE right before my eyes!!! Is this magic or something?! Did my sister do this?! I feel like Im going to BURST!" She SNORTS again...Shes talking frantically about how its probably her sister and is OINKING and SNORTING every few words now! The camera pans back to her face and she now has A PIG NOSE!!! "Omg am I turning into a pig?!" She says and then SNORTS again..She keeps touching her new PIG NOSE and OINKING..."OMG how am I going to OINK change this back OINK?" She OINKS/SNORTS a bunch and is TRYING to talk but nothing but SNORTS are coming out now!!! "Help OINK Help!!!"
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