I wanted to give a special french touch to this video, first with my french-inspired outfit and then with the music. I use dark backgrounds, low-key lighting and unbalanced composition. I chose, very carefully, every element that's gonna be part of my film, from the outfits to the environment, the way I use the light and arrange it to make smoke more visible, to the music and the general theme. I even bought those special, extra-long, matches I use, especially for my smoking vids, because I think that matches are more elegant for a lady to use than a simple modern lighter. I smoke Marlboro Red Long cigarettes, cork-filtered, my favorites, they are strong, have a unique flavor and it me takes from four to six minutes to smoke one undisturbed. I look you in the eye from time to time, breaking the 4th wall, visual contact is one of the most important things in an interaction, but you'll have plenty of time to see my profile, half-face, because this is the best position to film the smoke as it exits the mouth and lungs and forms transparent ghosts into the thin air. The film is inspired also by the principles of french new-wave movement, long tracking shots, my quietness and thankfulness will remind you of the essential questions of existentialism, my loneliness is rather a refuge from the oppression that the outside world with its norms puts on myself and my constant struggle to remain undisturbed, my retreat into a world characterized by singularity, only me and my vices, we together forming a shelter that protects me from the strange world, putting me into the oneiric, the femme-fatale that is sufficient for herself, and only herself
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