I'm in the throes of passion with my date, our bodies entwined as we explore each other's desires. He whispers in my ear, eager to know my ultimate sexual fantasy. With a mischievous grin, I let him know I won't just tell him—I'll show him. Pulling out my trusty magic wand, I shrink him down to a teeny, tiny size, perfect for my wicked plans. I watch, captivated, as he explores my enormous tits, his tiny form fucking each nipple with fervor. The sensation is electric, and I can't help but lick him, savoring his diminutive frame. He continues his journey, tickling my clit with expert precision, sending waves of pleasure coursing through me. But the true thrill comes when he ventures inside my pussy. The feeling of him moving within me is indescribable, an amazing sensation that leaves me craving more. Unfortunately, in the heat of the moment, he goes missing, lost somewhere deep inside. Oopsie! Looks like I'll have to go on a little treasure hunt to find my tiny plaything. Keywords: giantess, vore, sexual fantasy, magic wand, tiny man, giant tits, nipple fucking, clit tickling, pussy sensation, missing inside, oopsie
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