Well, hello there. I see from your chart that you are experiencing some discomfort in your pelvic region. Take a seat and I will examine you to determine what the problem could be. Hmmmmmm, when was the last time that you ejaculated? That long ago? It seems that is your problem. Your balls are WAY pas capacity. We are going to have to drain them immediately! Just relax - I’ll begin by lubing your cock up and then gently rub up and down your shaft while massaging your balls. Don’t be afraid to check me out. In fact, why don’t I get my tits out for some visual stimuli. Oh you like that! In which case I’ll slide your cock between my breasts so that you can get a good eyeful of my tittle fucking your big, meaty dick. I’m going to have to use my mouth as well. There isn to holding back now! I’m determined to do whatever it takes to make you explode
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