ORDER: Prop feet up in front of you. "My toes have been feeling weird. I hope I'm not getting athletes foot again. My feet are really sweaty and itchy." Pull off a flat and pull foot in and inspect and itch between toes. Put back on that flat. "Oh you want a sniff? A Sniff of my fungus?" Stretch feet back out and pop shoe....wait a few seconds. (Cut scene and put on sock and sneaker on that foot and stretch feet back out in same position). "You sure you want to sniff. My athletes foot is flaring up again. Kick off sneaker to show dirty sock. "My foot feels nasty. Smelly too....i smell it back here. Smell good baby?" Begin itching toes on socked foot. "Its itchy." Tease about smelly toes and athletes foot and itchy foot. "Now my other foot is itching." Take off flat and pull in to inspect toes and itch them. "Keep sniffing while i check my toes out." After itching them slip back on flat. Stretch out foot and wait few seconds...(Cut scene and put on sock and sneaker in same positon) "fucking athletes foot!" Kick off sneaker. Keep itching both socked toes and tease talk about foot smell...athletes foot....itchy....etc. At end of clip say "bring me my foot spray. Grab spray and spray on socks bottom and toes. Show off socked feet wiggling toes. (cut scene take off socks) start again and wiggle bare toes and spray feet again. "That feels so much better! Huh my socks? What socks? Weirdo."
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