I've been enjoying a little lie lately. Everyone keeps congratulating me on my pregnancy. I just thank them, and rub my own tummy enjoying the little flutters coming from inside. Now, it's time to confess for science. There is something in my tummy, but I'm not pregnant. On a recent trip to Hong Kong, I was looking for adventure. Even with the minimal risk, eating a live octopus sounded like a daring move. But, I swallowed it whole unable to bring myself to chew. For the rest of my trip, I felt it sloshing around inside of me. I enjoyed it a bit, and noticed I was expanding. Walking through customs to catch my plane home, I really saw the size change! Wanting to be a good host and a sufficient aquarium, I spoke with a marine biologist friend who encouraged me to gulp fortified water whenever my stomach deflates and expands rapidly. I've also been eating raw shrimp to keep my new baby happy. Now, I just don't know how our symbiotic relationship will end
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