A Very Berry Production *** Join me for an in depth look at what I have learned so far in my journey with anal activity, and preparing for it! In this clip I cover an anatomy lesson focusing on what you should know about your colon, and how it is laid out. I cover my diet suggestions for the day before, some beneficial abdominal yoga secrets, diet suggestions morning of, enema preparation, full enema demo (except relief portion, I only show what I thought would be valid), and finishing with a brief look into lubing up and penetrating for the first time. I suggest some basic toys and talk at length on various secrets I have learned along the way. This is the first of nine planned clips, your support can keep this series in production, so thank you all for being a part of what I do. I kept in mind ALL the questions I have gotten over the years and I am going to try and answer everything I can about anal know how throughout this series. |||||| Once you view this video, your homework is to try and do an enema, with as little or as much water as you like (YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE A FULL BAG SYSTEM FIRST TIME -- the directions on a Fleet bottle are totally fine so I omit that "bottle enema" instruction here--- estimated work time for this is one week to one month) Your Goal: Successfully complete an enema process comfortably before moving on to clip #2 :) This took a ton of work, and even though it's not fully porn, I hope it is what you all wanted!! haha Thank you
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