Jacquelyn Velvets is a bumbling burglar who tries to break into a safe. It takes all of her strength to pull it from the hiding place but her struggles will be worth it! She wears a tool belt around her waist that also holds her pants up. Crouching, she tries every tool, but the last one is stuck despite her desperate pulling. Frustrated, she strips her belt and releases it allowing her to open the safe. Obtaining her prize, she stands to admire it and doesn't notice her pants sliding down, revealing her underwear. Leaving, she trips over her pants which are now around her ankles. Falling face first with her butt in the air, she moans in pain. Adding insult to injury, she hears the police sirens in the background! Entering a new house, she searches for trinkets near a bed. A POV dog (simulated) comes up from behind and stares at her ass while she is crouched on her hands and knees. Jacquelyn tries to shoo it away but it gets angry and charges her pants, ripping a huge hole! Her white full back panties are on full display and Jacquelyn rubs her sore butt while yelling at the pooch. When charged again, she runs away without her spoils! Finding a new location, she skulks around until she finds the collectibles she's looking for. Excited, she bends over and hears a loud rip! Surprised, she looks between her legs and finds her panties revealed. Upset, she feels the hole to see how big it is but her tugging makes it tear larger. She removes them for inspection and stands in her underwear and socks. The loud sirens panic her and she throws her pants aside, grabbing the loot and running off in just her t-shirt and panties. OTHER KEYWORDS- stuck, panties fetish, humor, humour, clothes destruction, pants ripping, pants tearing, pants destruction, clothes ripping, clothes tearing, hat fetish, yoga pants, leggings, spandex, blondes, slapstick, sneaker fetish, grannie panties, Jacqueline Velvets
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