quot;A lidérc is a unique supernatural being of Hungarian folklore. It has three known varieties, which often borrow traits from one another. The third variety is as a Satanic lover" In the midst or rest you feel pleasure like you've never experienced before, as your eyes open you see the woman of your dreams mounted on top of you finding self satisfaction through your body. Hearing her moans casts a passion in you and all you want is more. Confusion quickly dissipates as you lose yourself in pleasure. As you come to you realize that this is the woman who has been sneaking into your home for weeks to fuck you silly. The erotic bliss on her face grants you grand levels of satisfaction...but alas she has a very dark secret to tell you. She gains power through the orgasm of men, and that's her sole reason for this passionate rendezvous. What seemed like a fairy tale come true is now nothing more that a helpless situation. This will be your final orgasm, now you have a hard decision to make: Do you enjoy this final fuck because you know no matter what you're done for, or do you fight the pleasure knowing you won't make it out anyway
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