GIRL IS KNOCKED OUT BY A FRYING PAN AND ASSFUCKED FOR BITING MY DICK. MIA BANDINI He’s prepping breakfast: a nice omelet for the two of us. But I’m too frisky and naughty to let him be, and I’m trying to stimulate his ass and then suck his dick because I want sex! But my timing wasn’t perfect since I was sucking that big dick of his, and then he hit me with a frying pan! I lost consciousness and he took me to the living room. He’s trying to wake me up but I’m also incredibly sexy when I’m unconscio** and he wants to fuck me really hard. He’s giving me mouth to mouth breathing but it’s better to give me cock to ass fucking instead! After I’ve regained my consciousness, he’s bruta*** analizing my ass and I’m feeling my tight butt hole getting pounded like it’s nobody’s business. We’re coming back to the kitchen and he’s ready to cum all over that omelet – I love my eggs with jizz
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