The goddess-like Lady Godiva rides into the town square mounted atop her massive stallion. She loves to ride her stallion naked to turn the heads of all the towns people, but today the towns people don't seem to be shocked by Lady Godiva's typical risque behavior. She realizes she has to change things up a bit to get the people of the town square to surround and cheer for her. She stops and thinks..."what is naughtier than riding my naked..? hmmm perhaps I should fuck my stallion and perhaps I should also fuck the rest of the beast in my stable and see if that gets the attention of the people. Surely they will cheer for me once more if I heat things up a bit!!" Lady Godiva lays on her back as the creatures from her stable fuck and creampie her! Three horses and even the stable fuck the goddess slut as the towns people cheer for their favorite filthy whore
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