Hey sorry to barge in…. Are you jerking off? Is that my Facebook account you’re jerking off to? I know I shouldn’t just walk into to your apartment, but I knocked and you didn’t answer and the door was unlocked….it doesn’t matter. Since I caught you like this I have to admit that I’ve been waiting for an encounter like this with you for a long time. You can uncover your dick now I want to suck and fuck you all night…...or not. What the fuck is that? That is not a cock. I’ve seen clits bigger than that. You know all the girls and I were wondering why you never hooked up with any of us. We thought you were just really shy or maybe even gay and just not out yet. But no….it’s just that you have the tiniest dick I’ve ever even heard of. They call that a microphallus, right? Yeah, so I’m gonna go….what? Of course, I’m going to tell everyone about this. This is hysterical. Everyone you know will know about your worthless penis. Yes, I said worthless because even a tight virgin pussy couldn’t feel that tiny little nub. Awww you're begging. There isn't anything you can offer me to keep this to myself.....or is there? How kinky are you willing to get? Don't look at me like that. I'm not going to be doing anything sexy to you. You're going to be entertaining me by humiliating yourself. It's the only way I keep your “little” secret. So take your two fingers and start stroking your little nub. Get it hard....it is hard? Oh, my God! That's just gross that that's as hard as it gets. Your microphallus disgusts me. And the longer I'm in the room with it, the more I want to tell everyone. So maybe you'll go into hiding and I'll never have to see you again and be reminded of that disgusting little thing. Did I tell you to stop while I insult you? No, I didn't. Keep stroking, or rubbing it, whatever it is you do with something that small. Come on, you pathetic tiny loser, keep going. Are you close to cumming? STOP! Wait a second. Now start again. I'm not edging you to give you pleasure loser. I'm making you edge and enduring this disgusting spectacle because I want you to build a load big enough for you to fill your mouth and swallow for me. STOP! You were really close to cumming, weren't you? Microphallus and premature ejaculator. You're a real catch. You're going to be alone forever because of that useless little thing, you know that, don't you? No woman anywhere wants anything that small. Now start again and get ready to cum when I tell you. I'm going to count you down, you're going to catch it and then you're going to swallow it. Then, maybe, I won't tell everyone what a gross micro penis you have. Maybe
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