another clip in my stronger, younger woman series!!) I just won the state wrestling championship!! my first year of wrestling, already a champ! It wasn't hard to beat all these boys, I just overpower them even though I'm younger. You were cheering my along the whole year! mostly because I'd threatened you if you weren't my cheerleader towel boy, but I think you liked it. Hey! How about WE wrestle right now?! Oh come on, don't be a whimp! It's not like the whole school is watching! I pin you down super quick, geez you're such a kitten of a boy. I can feel you get hard underneath my weight. I start to rub my big cock against your little dicklet until you squirt. I tease you some more. Time to put on my shoes, like you have after each and every match this year!!! I tell you of my plans to dominate you in front of the wrestling team next school year- in exchange, I'll protect your weak ass from all your bullies all summer
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