Here she is again. My TEASE of a upstairs neighbour, let's call her...Chelsea. Ever since Chelsea moved in 3 months ago, she has needed to "borrow" things, sugar, batteries, milk you name it. And each visit her outfits just get tinier and 200% sluttier. She has figured out I CAN'T say no to her when she is dressed like that..and I'm so SHY...I would never make the first move. But....TODAY omg I FINALLY got Chelsea's FAT WHITE ASS on cam...and up skirt no less OMG! I just couldn't believe it. I had placed 3 cam's around the apartment for these times she needs to "borrow" things from me(more like cock tease me). I HAD to get a glimpse of SOMETHING. And I did, I got the perfect view, her ass is even better than I could have imagined. Of course it is...it's the unattainable booty that teases me daily!! Well. I'm glad I'm finally getting something in return haha. Hope its more of those fats tits next time
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