Snorkel fetish lovers this one is for you. Did you love seeing my last snorkel masturbation clip....? Did it leave you hungry for more....? Well here is the hard core xxx rated video. Sat by my private pool I'm just far to hot, it's time for me to chill of In the pool. I place my mask over my face making sure it's a tight fit. I don't like leaks. I then slide each of my fins on my feet. Now I'm ready for a swim Slowly I lower myself into the water and start to swim around, swimming lengths of the pool on. My front and back, occasionally diving down deep using my flippers to swim quickly down to the bottom, Them emerging to the top like a real mermaid. After 5 minutes or so I'm now cool and refreshed and feel quite aroused in my mask and fins, luckily for me there's. Hot guy who's been watching me this whole time It doesn't take much for me to get him hard and horny and soon enough he has me bent over in my masks and fins with his hard cock thrusting inside my dripping pussy
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