Son knocks on the bathroom door. I just got out of the shower honey! Whoa, what are you doing? I said I just finished showering! You can't just barge in on your mother like that! Son heads towards the door. Wait! Come back here for a second. I think you were trying to see mommy on purpose, I think that you were trying to catch an eye full of your mother naked and then you were going to go to your room and masturbate. I am right, arean't I? If I am right then stay here for a few minutes so we can talk, and if I am wrong then you can leave right now. Son looks at the door and then back at his mother and reluctantly stays. I knew it! You fucking pervert! I mean I know boys your age are horny, but you are not supposed to fantasize about your own mother! Do you think your friends are imagining fucking their mothers? Of course not! How long has this been going on ? How long have you had this fantasy about your mother? That long? Wow,was it all that naked cuddling we did when you were a baby?
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