I think we've all had a room mate who didn't exactly stay buttoned up when they were in the house. People are comfortable in their homes and forget to cover up or to be aware of how much of their bodies are visible. I personally end up running around my house nude a lot of the time. Thankfully my past roomies have never minded. In this Custom Video I was asked to talk about literally any topic while posing naturally in very specific ways. I came up with the story line of, "I'm your roommate and I'm super unaware of how inappropriate I look while I'm talking with you." The poses I needed to do were: Reach high above my head, put my hands on my head, scratch my chest/tummy so that my shirt lifts up and you can see, use my shirt to gently wipe my nose, exposing my bra, halfway through the video I unbutton my jeans and you can start to see the edge of my panties. The person that ordered the custom was very happy with it, I hope you enjoy it too
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