Well, I was supposed to start a new diet this week. But with all the delicious Easter chocolates and cakes in the stores, I just couldn’t resist anymore! I saw this beautiful chocolate fudge cake in the bakery (okay, I guess I shouldn’t have gone in the bakery), and just had to have it! So bought it and some cream puffs and brought them home. I couldn’t eat them right away because I told all my housemates that I was going on another diet, so I had to hide it in the vegetable crisper until they had left the house. When they left I opened the crisper and guiltily coaxed out my cake and cream puffs. I scooped the creamy filling out of the puffs and plopped it next to my cake. Then I sat down on my bed and began to slowly eat my scrumptious cake. I also doctored up the cake and my hot beverage with a little Kahlua. I love Kahlua on desserts! Watch while I eat my delicious cake and creamy whipped cream
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