No names used~ This is a video of Jacquelyn Velvets answering vore related questions honestly, candid and not in character. These are the questions "If you saw a shrunken man in real life what would be your reaction?" "What would you say or do?" If I were shrunk down to only three to four inches tall and asked you to swallow me and then regurgitate me back up after a few minutes so that I don't digest, what would you say or do?" "If I asked you to digest me what would you say or do?" Related Categories: CONFESSIONS, BELLY FETISH, EXECUTRIX, GIANTESS, SHRINKING FETISH Keywords: vore, candid confession, belly fetish abs, executrix erotic magic, eating, belly stomach tummy, digestion consumed, regurgitate, hungry interviews, goddess worship, giantess, gts throat fetish, mouth fetish tongue, feeder/feedee, shrinking fetish
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