It must be hard for you. Resisting temptation is such a tough thing. You'd like to think you are the superior sex because, well, your the man. But in all actuality you're a slave to your subconscious need for sex. You are controlled by primal urges that us women know how to tap into and exploit. With that being said, I understand you have a wife at home. She's everything you could ever want in a wife. Sweet, caring but yet so utterly boring. You'd never intentionally want to hurt her but you and I both know you have needs. Needs that go far beyond the vow of loyalty. You're addicted to tits. More specifically, My tits. My home wrecking breasts and My way with you slowly yet carefully know how to work their magic. So let's make a little bet for claim to the superior sex. You control your urge to cum and you win, you've proven your claim. Yet if you do cum, because I was right all along, your pleasure will be short lived because not only will you feel the guilt of cheating but the paying up to the hefty little beat we made.
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