With Star Nine! I smile at the look of shock on your face. A mix of arousal and fear at finding me in your home, out of my traditional pencil skirt. You imagine the possibilities as I assure you that your wife won't be interrupting us. Your eyes run up my legs to the short hem of my dress, hungry for a glance. I begin to dangle my heel. You wonder if I've noticed your stares, how you get when I dangle my heels from my nylon feet at the office. As if reading your mind, I order you to your knees, to press your face between my heel and nylon sole. Soon you are inhaling my foot pheromones. I want to play a little game. I bend over the chair revealing the black garter pulled up over my pantyhose. A clever little purse. Can you guess what it contains? I spread my legs wide revealing my pussy, clearly visible through my sheer, gusset-less pantyhose. I'll give you three guesses. If you win I'll let you bury your face against my nylon crotch, take a good long whiff. Your guesses are pathetically optimistic and wrong . . . Includes pantyhose domination, executrix #LayeredNylons #Pantyhose #PantyhoseDomination #Pantyhose #Executrix #FemaleDomination #Femdom #FemdomPOV #GarterAndStockings #Legs #LegDomination #LegFetish
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