"We open on Krysta Kaos as she writhes and rolls on the floor in an empty warehouse, clad in blue full-body hobble straitjacket that leaves only her feet bare. Her face is covered in a gray half-mask that only reveals her eyes, nose, forehead, and a bit of her red hair. Of course her hands are trapped in the arms of the garment. It’s quite a challenge she faces, escaping from this get-up. The sounds of her struggle, of her body against the floor and her arms tugging against the material, provide the only soundtrack besides her labored breathing… But Krysta uses her ingenuity, working at undoing a center strap. Lifting up her legs to do so, she looks like a pinup girl as this is a classic pose in cheesecake art—although there the girls are usually less clothed, and not in bondage!
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