OMG! 5 men around me. Fucked in the middle of the outdoor pool. Also not enclosed in a dressing room but directly in the public area. I splashed around in the outdoor pool and felt a little bit watched all the time. Besieged by 5 horny men. Sometimes I did not know where to look anymore. One hornier than the other. But one dared and flirted with me. We both knew what it was all about. But the way to the hotel was too far. So we went in a hopefully quieter area and there it went immediately to the point. We did not bother us at all. Until he injected me deep into my fuck column. When he pulled out his cock he was still smeared with sperm. I did not want to stick to it and sucked him thoroughly clean. His fingers were also smeared with delicious fuck juice. Madness there was still a lot left for my mouth. So One Night Stand is fun #flirten #ons #annabelmassina
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