Hello. We're gonna have a test today, as I previously announced. Did everybody understand what they have to do? Good! Good luck and get to work right now, you don't have so much time! *teacher paints her nails in the meantime* Ok, time's up! Bring me the papers! Come on, no more writing, bring me all the papers right now, I don't have time! Ok... you! Yes, you, third bench near the window! I need you to stay a little after the class, we're gonna have a discussion. Everybody else, you're free to go! Yeah, come here. I noticed you weren't really interested in your test, your subject, instead you were staring at me all the time during the test. I'm concerned about this, you're my best student and I was looking froward to send you to some literary competitions, but you don't seem so interested in literature lately. Instead, you look like you're interested in me! Be honest, are you attracted to me? Do you have a teacher-student fetish? Oh, I'm aware that I'm the hottest teacher around here, and also the youngest one. And you're a student, but essentially you are a man and no man is able to not notice these Big Bodacious Boobs I have. Do you wanna see them? Come on, I am sure this was one of your dirty fantasies! I'll show them to you, but you have to do something for me too! And based on how you will manage to follow my instructions I'll grade your test accordingly. Yes, exactly what you just heard: your mark will not be based on the actual test, but on worshiping me and doing exactly what I say. I want you to masturbate for me. Here, now! Yes, I wanna see that shy student cock of yours! Remember, make me happy or you will not pass
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