Not As Strong as She Thinks! (APARTMENT LIFT AND CARRY; DOMINATION; SPANKING; TICKLING; BIG VS LITTLE) Tiny little Anabelle Pync learns the hard way against BBW Layla Moore, that there’s more to being strong and powerful than might alone in “Not As Strong as She Thinks”, getting taught a lesson in the art of Lift and Carry by the much larger woman. Anabelle may have bark, but her bite needs just a little bit of work...especially against someone of Layla’s size! Anabelle is really confident before her humbling, absolutely certain she can lift Layla, and to be fair even Layla has to admit she has some decent muscles in her arms as she flexes them for her. But all the muscle she can muster, is FAR from enough to lift Layla’s considerably large frame off the ground! This is something Anabelle finds out first hand in fact when she tries! She fails to move Layla even an inch, despite several tries from multiple positions! Eventually, Layla decides that instead of Anabelle trying to lift her, maybe she should be lifting Anabelle instead! Anabelle agrees, conceding that she may not be able to lift Layla at this time, and her lesson begins! Layla has tons of fun with the petite girl, carrying her around as if she was nothing, Lifting her Over Her Shoulder, and teasing her in the process by Spanking her, Bouncing her, and Tickling her Feet! After being played with in this way for a spell, Anabelle decides she wants to try and lift Layla again! Once more though, despite using all the strength she has in her and trying repeatedly, she fails to lift Layla off the ground. She’s just too big for Anabelle! Not that she’ll admit it! It’s just bad angles right? Layla tries to her show for a second time after these attempts just how it’s done, Cradling her in her arms like a baby, and carrying her around with ease! When Anabelle tries to do the same however....to no one’s surprise, it’s not so easy! No matter how hard she tries to get Layla up, she just can’t do it! Layla is impressed by her “gumption” though if nothing else, she’s not giving up at least! A twist in this Lift and Carry game comes next, with Layla inviting Anabelle on her shoulders for a Backpack ride! She carries her all around the room for what seems like forever, making fun of her and her lifting skills the entire time, even as a more and more frustrated Anabelle tries to get her to stop and demands to be put down. Finally, the struggling makes her give in and do that, when her hair is wrapped around her neck. It was all fun and games for Layla before then, but she wasn’t gonna counter a dirty trick like that! Frustrated and pissed off to put it mildly, Anabelle orders Layla onto her shoulders now, in a bid to replicate what just happened to her. But of course, you know it doesn’t go exactly how she planned it don’t you? You don’t think she could do this that easily after failing in every other way before right? Although to her credit, she DOES manage to hold her up for a little bit, even if Layla’s tippy toes remain on the ground, but like a rookie cowboy trying to ride a bucking bronco for more than 8 seconds, Anabelle can’t maintain this position for long before she drops to the ground! She gave it a hell of an effort though, have to give her that! Of course after all that effort, she needs to be carried around a bit again! And Layla is more than happy to oblige that, Cradling her for a second time in what she calls “good bonding time”, whilst Spanking her a few more times as well for good measure. Anabelle vehemently protests this, saying she isn’t a baby, but for Layla this is exactly where a cute girl like her belongs! The cute comment upsets Anabelle even worse as she is put down at last, as she exclaims she isn’t cute but strong! According to Layla though she can be both! Anabelle tries in vain to flex her muscles again, but though she may have SOME definition in those arms, she needs to work out just a wee bit more to get anywhere near Layla’s level! Having said that....Layla thinks maybe, just MAYBE someone like 75 lb Odette La Croix may be easier for her to lift at her size! Anabelle asks in a huff for her to be gotten, and before she knows it, Layla is lifting her off screen in her direction! This means going to Los Angeles of course.....which Anabelle was NOT expecting and you hear this audibly as the video comes to close! Will they make it there? Will Anabelle be able to actually lift Odette if they do after her unsuccessful tries on Layla? Those are stories to be explored in another video, but for now....it’s clear that at least against larger girls, Anabelle is gonna have to step her lifting game to get them off the ground! This one is perfect for fans of strong BBWs
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