Hey, I saw your light was on in your bedroom. Hope you don't mind if I come chat a bit. I'm not quite ready to go home as I thought I would be having some fun with a cock tonight but doesn't look that way. Did your dad mention to you that he was going on a date with me tonight? We met on that internet dating site. We talked a lot over dinner and got along pretty well. I was ready for some kind of action when he invited me back here to his house but then within minutes of kissing in his bedroom he crashed. Maybe he had too much booze at dinner, who knows but it's been a long time since I have got to play with a hard cock and I don't want to go home without feeling like a woman if you get what I am saying. You're in your first year of college right? So that makes you of appropriate age to play with a woman like me. What do you say, would you mind sharing your cock with me tonight? It would be too weird for me to mount up and fuck you but what about a nice sensual hand job? I want to know I can get a cock hard still, at my age. I feel I look pretty damn sexy still but it's been so hard to get a date it's left me feeling a bit done for in the men department. Oh wow! Ok, so you're game to letting me jack you off before I leave for the night? That's great! I'm going to make that cock of yours feel incredible. You really are a handsome young man. You resemble your father quite a lot only twenty years younger. This is quite a treat for me to have such young cock in my hands. I had better talk a little quietly though as I please you. Would not be a good thing to wake your father with my hand around your cock. I would love to do so much more with your beautiful dick but that will have to wait. Perhaps you and I could meet up for a date without your dad knowing? I really like these internet dates because I never know how they will turn out. Who would have thought I would be cranking the cock of the son of my date? It's funny isn’t it? I would feel really bad if your dad woke up and saw me in here naked on top of his son. Are you about ready to give me that young cum? We probably should drain those lovely tight balls of yours before your father wakes up. Give this English cougar your hot load. To bad all that jizz can't spray all over my clit but there may be a time that will be possible. Oh yes! I love your sticky mess! I had better get cleaned up and leave now but have you a date for tomorrow night? You don't? Well let's pick up where we left off tonight and tomorrow it's my pussy that gets the pleasure. Starring: Lisa DeMarco
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