With Dakota Charms! I walk into the bathroom and shocked to see a bug, but realize you're a tiny person. What do I do with you? You could fit anywhere like a drawer or pocket. Do you bite? You could easily be crushed, stomped, or something could fall on you. You could get lost in dirty clothes and I wouldn't find you. What's the purpose of keeping you? You could be my pet and I could keep you on my shoulder. Maybe we could have matching outfits and go dancing. You would need velcro to bind you to me as I shake my big booty unless you stay in the pockets of my daisy dukes. I'm twerking hard and don't realize that my round ass squashed you. Who knows how rare little men are and was so excited to twerk with him. OTHER KEYWORDS- giantess, Amazons, gentle giantess, crushing, erotic dancing, exotic dancing, dancing, dancers, erotic dancers, exotic dancers, ass shaking, twerking, twerk, PAWG, big butts, white booty, short shorts, denim shorts, brunettes, #UnawareGiantess #CrushFetish #BootyShaking #AssFetish @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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