With Dakota Charms! I finish eating and see a little bug, but it's a small person. How helpful are you? I've had many of your kind, but some of them got crushed or eaten. They never did the job right. How hard is it to clean a floor. Do you think you could help me around the house? If you do a good job, there's nothing to worry about. There's one test you have to pass. You have to jerk off with your tiny weiner. Don't be scared. I'm a nice giantess and I would treat you well if you treat me well. Do as I say little one. Jerk faster tiny man. If you can cum in 5 seconds, you have the job. You did it and now you get to be crushed between my palms! OTHER KEYWORDS- Amazons, eating, food, crushing, hand crushing, female domination, female supremacy, domination, masturbation encouragement, jerk off encouragement, jerk off instruction, joi, cum countdown, brunettes, bratgirls, brat girls, bratty goddess #Giantess #Femdom #FemdomPOV #MasturbationEncouragement #MasturbationInstruction @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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