Sarah Brooke, Raven & Jamie Knotts The Mean Girls! (APARTMENT DOMINATION; HANDICAP 2 ON 1; LINGERIE; NUDE) Sarah Brooke and Raven are ready to settle in for a fun party in “The Mean Girls”, but unbeknownst to them they have an extra guest they really don’t want to see in the form of sweet and innocent Jamie Knotts! Now, they knew SOMEONE was coming mind you, as their friend Suzie told them she was bringing a guest along with her, but they didn’t know it was gonna be Jamie, or for that matter that Suzie was working late and thus wouldn’t be at this party for another 3 hours! However, they have a way to deal with this unwanted visitor! In true Mean Girls fashion, they take to simply bullying poor unassuming Jamie! They make fun of her choice of clothes, ranging from her shirt that reads Nerd on it that is connected to her being in the Sci-Fi club, to her 1960’s style glasses, to her dirty appearing track suit pants, all the way down to her bra and panties she has on underneath once they’ve stripped the former off! This is the most action Jamie has ever experienced too, being a virgin, which she is further mocked and laugh at for when she reveals it! Poor innocent Jamie! She was thrilled to be a part of the cool girls’ party when she arrived, but she’s not so happy now! Raven and Sarah are being very unwelcoming to her to say the least! And things only get worse for her after she’s stripped of her clothes! Raven and Sarah don’t just let her keep her underwear.....they strip of her that too so that’s she butt ass naked! Making things even MORE humiliating after that, they play keepaway with it and her other clothing! This is easily the most embarrassing experience of Jamie’s life! Even this however pales in comparison to what Raven and Sarah threaten her with before they leave! See, this is a special party! What makes it so special you ask? A bunch of fraternity guys of course! And with Jamie completely nude...she’s ripe for fucking by them! The dastardly duo run off with Jamie’s clothes as the guys are near arrival, leaving here the little innocent bookworm there naked to contemplate her fate! Jamie shoulda just went to the Sci-Fi club! Now instead of that, she’s in a situation where her mom is gonna be pissed at her! That is, if there’s anything left of her when the fraternity guys finish her! And the jury is still out on that one! But that of course....is for a whole different video! This one will take you right back to your school days, when bullies reigned and cliques were all the rage! (Shot in 4K)
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