Olivia is hanging out at home alone when she hears an unexpected knock. Who could it be? She isn't expecting anyone at this hour and no one answers when she calls out. She cautiously opens the door and a man dressed in all black with a ski mask immediately pushes the door open and ch0kes her. She's panicking as she gets pushed over to her bed, "OMG! Who are you? What do you want with me, am I being robbed?" Once she's thrown on the bed his replies while giving her belly a feel, "I like my girls big and I have donuts to feed you right now." She is so confused. He then notices the bed bondage restraints that Olivia has for fun and wants to use those instead of his rope. She wont give in so he f0rcefully pulls her arm back and cuffs her. Doing the same with her other arm and legs as she struggles. Olivia wants to know why he can't just be a normal robber, take what he wants and leave. But he has a special plan before that. A very frightened fatty is then having donuts slammed in her mouth with very little time to chew. This ought to keep her quiet while also indulging in one of the robber's fantasies. Once he's done with that, he's got to do what robbers do and take thing. Ransacking Olivia's place and taking what he wants as she pleads for him not to, he comes across her underwear drawer. Just what he was looking for. Stuffs a few pair of extra extra extra large panties in her mouth to shut her up and completes the panty gag with tape. She cannot make as much noise now, and he continues to go about taking whatever he wants. Comes back just to let the t!ed up helpl3ss fatty know that he will be leaving... and wishing her luck on getting untied. Olivia is frightened and struggles momentarily before her helplessness starts to turn her on. Her moans of terror become moans of pleasure through the panty gag as she has an orgasm.
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