Yet again, I catch you perving on me while doing housework. When I call you out you decide to whip out your cock and demonstrate how much you enjoying watching me hoover. You should have known that this would annoy me more than please me. When I turn the vacuum cleaner back on you are momentarily excited, thinking that I'm going to do a special cleaning show for you. But, then I start to move the hoover attachment closer to your cock. You struggle to hear my words over the sound of the vacuum and before you know it there is a strong suction on your cock. By the wicked grin on my face you know that I won’t be letting up any time soon so all you can do is give in to the suction. Clip contains: vacuuming in a cute short dress, using the attachments to get the cracks of the couch before catching you perving - turning the hoover attachment on you - pov vacuum suction
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