With Dakota Charms! I'm good at catching little things like you because I shrink men all the time. You're pathetic and only good for your sperm whereas I'm powerful. You're mine and I'm never going to make you bigger. What kind of life did you have before me anyways? You're just a loser. Grown up and be a real man. Oops, you can't because you're stuck being tiny. A little thing like you could get stepped on or crushed. Maybe fall into batter when I'm making a cake. If you fell off that bookshelf, you could break some bones. What would you do to escape a garbage disposal? Your body would be cleaned with scalding hot water. That's a scary life of potential peril. Pests shouldn't stick around and I push my palm onto your helpless body. My little finger finishes the job of smushing you. OTHER KEYWORDS- mean giantess, Amazons, crushing, female domination, female supremacy, bratgirls, brat girls, humiliation, brunettes, executrixx #Giantess #Femdom #FemdomPOV #VerbalHumiliation #Executrix @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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